
The purpose of these blogs is to share my experiences, observations, ideas and ultimately the lessons and wisdom that I have learned along my journey. Much of this was learned with others or through helping others.

Why the blogs?

I attended an Anthony Robbins seminar in 2004 called Date with Destiny. During which I clarified my own life’s purpose:

To be inspirational and mischievous, giving guidance and laughter.

I see my blogs as way to inspire and guide others on a similar journey or facing difficulties that I, or those I have helped, have already overcome.

These blogs are my opinions and learnings. I obviously cannot know your specific situation as I may not even have met you yet. Hopefully you get some ideas that help you accelerate your journey. That said get advice from qualified people, about your situation, before doing anything that may involve risk or potential cost.

Exiting the Haze

Living in the haze can make you tired, unfulfilled, depressed and lower your self-esteem. It can cause you to constantly react to external influences...

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Living in The Haze

Most people in the western World have lived in the haze at some point in their lives. Many live their whole lives this way. Living in the haze...

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